lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Qué es un ACV?explicado de forma simple, no médica, es un accidente que sucede en nuetro cerebro.Puede ser hemorrágico o por uno o varios coágulos.Si tenemos la suerte de sobrevivir a dicho episodio, deberemos trabajar para recuperar las habilidades perdidas o lo más que se pueda.Debemos tener claro que nadie podrá hacer el esfuerzo en nuestro lugar,solo nuestra paciencia puede lograr mejoras.

What is a stroke?To be explained in a simple way,not a medical one, it's an accident in our brain.It can be hemorragic or for one or many clots.If we have the luck to survive to this episode, we must work to recover lost habilities, or the most possible.It must to be clear for us, that nobody can do the effort at our place, only our patient can make us to succed with improvements.

2 comentarios:

  1. hello claudia- very good initiatif-and one comment- 7 years ago i was hit by clot in my brain-it is very importantto start intensive training early i am from denmark- here we have center for braindamaged peoplei write in danish if you want to look their website it is in english:center for hjerneskadebut i promise to put link for that in heredont give up-ole jørgen nielsen,DENMARK-good work claudia

  2. Thank you for the comment.I will not give up,true, training is very important.I'll talk about in the future.
